【跑步】CH3 >>Details for the May 27th Run 2007/05/27路跑資訊
Aaaah this week's run…..will it have suspension bridges to cross, more
ups and downs than Mijo "Gout Boy" Slut after his weekly period, a hill so steep
that you end up sliding downhill from tea bush to tea bush or raging
river rapids that were used for filming the movie Deliverance?
Nope, none of those….stuff like that has to be left to the
extraordinary skills of our trailmaster but this one will have some
great views of Tian Mu and Beitou plus an excellent location close to
the city in the hills of Yang Ming Shan. Starting from AIT's Japanese
Style Guest House this weeks run will have a long and short route.
Seeing the Japanese Guest House is a must as some of the "older"
hashers will tell you. This cottage is around a hundred years old and
is built in the old Japanese style with tatami mats and a hot sulphur
spring sauna inside the house.
Bring your cameras, not only for the excellent views from the
mountains across the valley but also to for the fast disappearing
historic relics of Taiwan's past. Walkers will take around 1:15 and
runners should be in about 1:15 to 1:30.
本月Puma Run的日子即將來臨,由兔子AIT John及Doctor Tom帶領大家領略陽明山區之優美景色,起跑地點選在一棟百年古老日式別墅,John將帶大家穿越時光隧道,回顧當時那段風花雪月,相信大家一定不願錯過這特別之日。本次路跑分為長程與短程,走路者約花1小時15分(P.S.不知是長的或短的),跑步者當然會少於1小時15分囉!!!!
Rounding out this great weekend will be a bash at none other than
"Grandma's place." Used in the past by the hash this location is also
located on the YMS hillside with outstanding views of the valley.
Grandma promises to put the tables and chairs outside (weather
permitting!) to allow us to take in the fantastic views.
跑步完後的Bash地點為陽明山上Grandma's place,此乃過往陽明山路跑後大夥最常吃飯聊天的好地方,除山中飄來徐徐微風,讓你透心涼,由那兒你還可將台北市美麗之夜景盡收眼底………那種感覺並非三言兩語可說盡,你一定要親自來體驗。
The run start is just before the Yang Ming Shan Flower Clock. For
those driving flour will start from the Welcome Supermarket on Yang De
Da Dao at 1:30. The only parking is in one of the YMS pay parking
lots and will be marked. For those taking the bus, either the 260 or
I5 from Chen Tien or Shi Lin will get you up close to the run start.
After getting off the bus walk a few hundred meters along HuShan Rd to
the start.
Questions, Call the hare: Filthy Habits (John) at...0921 996 710.
若你有任何疑問,請Call兔子(John)……0921 996 710 (中文也可以通)
Off Road Adventures in Taiwan